ISSUE 45 Editorial COVER STORY – Revolutionizing Cardio Care: CIMA-SINAÍExpats Magazine Group ECO NEWS – Whole ForestExpats Magazine Group TRAVEL & ADVENTURE – Your Mountain Top Weekend GetawayEdward Lindquist NEWS FROM CUENCA EXPATS MAGAZINE – Introducing Cuenca Expats Magazine’s New AmbassadorsExpats Magazine Group Discover more in this issue, keep reading EXPATS IN THE NEWS – Expat Open HouseExpats Magazine Group EXPATS & THEIR FINANCE – BITCOIN BLASTOFF? Why it is still possible to earn huge returns in BitcoinRobert Ryerson CITIZEN JOURNALISM – National Magazine Writes About Cuenca’s ExpatsExpats Magazine Group CITIZEN JOURNALISM – Commemorating Veterans Day in Cuenca, Ecuador: A Unifying CelebrationDylan Glad CITIZEN JOURNALISM – IX World Quinoa Congress in CañarAl Adams SPECIAL INTERVIEW – Introducing Serina Maldonado: Reigning as Cuenca’s Queen on Its 100-Year AnniversaryExpats Magazine Group CITIZEN JOURNALISM – CIMA-SINAI and Social Vision. Aiding Cuenca’s Medically VulnerableJennifer Cory HACIENDAS IN ECUADOR – Hacienda La CienegaJane Hiltbrand Issues Partners Charities Memberships Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube
EXPATS & THEIR FINANCE – BITCOIN BLASTOFF? Why it is still possible to earn huge returns in BitcoinRobert Ryerson
SPECIAL INTERVIEW – Introducing Serina Maldonado: Reigning as Cuenca’s Queen on Its 100-Year AnniversaryExpats Magazine Group